【研究成果】孙永平:A dynamic and continuous allowances allocation methodology for the prevention of carbon leakage: Emission control coefficients




Carbon leakage has become the core issue of emission trading systems. Using data from Hubei Province, this paper identifies the drawbacks of the prevailing methods for preventing carbon leakage and proposes a new methodology to overcome them, namely, Emission Control Coefficients. In contrast to the common tiered structure method, the Emission Control Coefficients generate a dynamic and continuous emission control coefficient for each industry which will improve the effectiveness and fairness of allowance allocation, set aside sufficient time for the low carbon transformation of industries, and balance the needs to protect competitiveness and decarbonize and are particularly suitable for the emission trading systems of developing counties. This paper makes three main academic contributions: Firstly, it proposes a new indicator, the abatement potential for more effective determining allowance allocation than the prevailing method. Secondly, it better distinguishes industrial differences. Thirdly, it can better respond to the problem of excess allowances that is due to technological advances and trade pattern changes。

   本文于2018年11月在国际权威期刊Applied Energy上在线发表,该期刊五年影响因子7.888,属SCI一区期刊,我院孙永平教授为第一作者。文章的网址链接:
